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Thermage Fractional RF for Skin Resurfacing
2020-08-26 10:48:09

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1. Working Theory for Thermage Fractional RF for Skin Resurfacing.

Sublative Rejuvenation with Thermage is a unique procedure which uses radio frequency to deliver an effective but controlled ablative and non-ablative fractional treatment for wrinkles, scars, large pores and better texture of the skin. Similar to "Fraxel" it uses radiofreqeuency (electrical) energy, as opposed to laser. Each pulse delivers the radio frequency energy via a grid of matrix spots, inducing a skin injury which is maximized in these tiny, targeted areas. Fibroblasts activated within the “zones” signal collagen to regenerate and remodel, yielding improved skin tone and texture overall. Meanwhile, the surrounding “untreated” tissue then helps to support and accelerate the healing process in the skin. Usually a series of three to five treatments are needed for optimal results. 

2. How do I know if I need Sublative Rejuvenation with Thermage Skin Resurfacing?
Patients looking to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity or scarring with minimal downtime are good candidates for this procedure. You should not have Sublative Rejuvenation if you are pregnant or have been on Accutane within the past 6 months. 

3. What benefits can I expect?
Patients can expect a noticeable reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and acne and other scarring. In addition, patients will see an improvement in texture and skin laxity. On average, most results appear over a period of three to six months (it takes time for collagen to grow), but some patients notice results immediately after treatment.

4. How will I look and feel during and after Sublative Rejuvenation with Thermage Laser Skin Resurfacing?
Most patients have redness and swelling for a few hours to 3 days after the treatment (occasionally it can last longer). You may apply make-up to the treated area immediately after the Sublative rejuvenation procedure. Tiny crusts develop and are present for about 5-14 days, but these are easy to camouflage with makeup or even without it after the first one to two days.  Results will develop over time and with subsequent treatments. Full results can be appreciated at three to six months following the last treatment. Maintenance treatments may be necessary.

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